The online Oxford Dictionary has added some new words in the latest quarterly update. New entries include YOLO, adorbs, amazeballs, side boob, live-tweeting and bro hug.
Adorbs makes the cut meaning "arousing great delight; cute or adorable: all the pets are totally adorbs".
YOLO: "abbreviation for you only live once (expressing the view that one should make the most of the present moment without worrying about the future, and often used as a rationale for impulsive or reckless behaviour): I just ordered £40 worth of Chinese food. But YOLO, right?"
Amazeballs: "extremely good or impressive; amazing: the atmosphere was nothing special but the food was amazeballs".
Other words added were air punch, e-cig, side-eye, hot diggity, cray and humblebrag. For the full list see