The Simpsons aired on US TV for the first time 25 years ago today. Now we feel old...
Here are some of our favourite and most memorable moments/episodes from The Simpsons throughout the years. In no particular order.
10. King Size Homer and that muumuu.
9. When Bart met his match when he fell for bad girl Jessica Lovejoy, voiced by Meryl Streep.
8. When Homer befriends Leon Komposkey who believes he is Michael Jackson.
7. Any time they had a flashback episode and showed a young Bart, Lisa and Homer. We found this gem online of Homer's life in 2 minutes.
6. Homer in space.
5. The X-Files episode.
4. When the Monorail came to town.
3. Duffman can never die!
2. Who Shot Mr. Burns, Parts 1 and 2
1. Homer Vs New York City.