Budi is a baby Orangutan who was really sick when rescued by International Animal Rescue, IAR. He’s also the cutest God damn thing on the internet.
But, for the first year of his life little Budi was kept as a pet in a chicken cage and fed entirely on condensed milk. This was slowly killing him.
However, nearly a year ago he was rescued and transported to International Animals Rescue’s Orangutan Rescue Centre in Ketapang Indonesia.
On arrival at IAR's Orangutan rescue centre Budi's condition was extremely critical, and he was too frail to move or sit up on his own. He was showing signs of severe malnutrition and screaming in pain every time he was moved by the vets.
This video shows AMAZING vets Karmele feeding Budi from a bottle and Jaclyn weighing him.
But Budi is a fighter and is showing encouraging signs. He is now able to hold a bottle to feed himself if its is not too heavy or full. But he still breathes heavily, sometimes cries and then falls right to sleep.
The amazing people at IAR Indonesia monitor and treat him around the clock but say it will take a long time before this lil guy swings through the trees.
Sooo... if you do one thing today... click here.
Read Budi's full story and maybe share your payday buzz by donating to the fund that keeps him alive.
Today the internet belongs to Budi.
Get well soon Budi...
Sniff... we’ve something in our eye ...