*Spoiler Alert* Love/Hate reached an ultimate turning point last night with Fran finding out Nidge pipe-bombed his house.
Twitter went into over load because of it. Here's what people had to say:
Nidgey would be dead if Franno had the eFlow. #LoveHate
— James (@JQ2468) October 12, 2014
Well that was incredibly stressful and quite brilliant. #lovehate
— Conor Pope (@conor_pope) October 12, 2014
Fran is gonna upend nidge!!!! It's getting deadly!!!! Ps @laurencekinlan is still a rat! #lovehate
— Brian Mcfadden (@BrianMcFadden) October 12, 2014
Love/Hate is effectively the Garth Brooks of television only its guaranteed to take place. Country gone loco over it #lovehate
— McD (@ascomphone) October 12, 2014
Need to watch a Disney movie after that episode of #lovehate #menerves
— Joanne Hurley (@JoanneMHurley) October 12, 2014
Love/Hate makes you want to get a shipment of weapons, build an army, open a brothel, pound Trish and take out everyone! I fucking love it!!
— Conor McGregor (@TheNotoriousMMA) October 12, 2014