5 Different Reactions To Snow

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5 Different Reactions To Snow


10:32 14 Jan 2015

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It was snowing in Dublin yesterday in parts, while the rest of the country seemed to have been worse affected. Snow gets a mixed reaction in Ireland. It's like Marmite, you either love it or hate it.

Here are 5 different reactions you're likely to hear when it starts to snow:

1. The Excited - 'It's SNOWING!' There's always one person in the office who shouts 'SNOW' whenever it begins to fall. They then proceed to the window, pressing their nose against the glass, to get a better look. 

2. The Pessimist - 'But is it sticking?' We all know in Ireland if the snow isn't 'sticking' then it isn't properly snowing. There's no need to put a dampener on it, we know it's not going to be ski season any time soon but let us enjoy what little snow we do get. 

3. The Photographer - 'Must get a picture of the snow'. Now more than ever people like to share pictures online. So naturally they jump at the chance to snap the snow in their back garden, front garden, outside the office, children in the snow and their snowman etc. We get it... you have snow outside!

4. The Jealous - 'Why isn't it snowing in Dublin?' With all the photos online (no.3) of your friends down the country with white gardens and lovely snowmen, some people in the capital get a tad jealous that they're missing out on the fun. Wait until it actually snows (throwback to 2010) and then come back to us on how much you wanted that snow!

5. The Chancer - 'Snow! Day off work it is'. There are those who see snow and automatically think it will be a reason to miss work. 'Surely the trains won't be running', 'sure I can't walk to work with the snow, I'll break my neck', 'I live at the bottom of a steep hill and couldn't drive to the top". Nice try guys! Chat to your Pessimist friend (no.2) to get a reality check next time you think you'll be able to call your manager saying you're snowed in!

Which one are you?

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