This morning on The Ray Foley Show we were chatting about the top ten holiday destinations for piling on the pounds!
We all know holidays are a time of eating, drinking and treating ourselves, but did you know around 60% of us will actually put on weight during on our annual Summer holiday. With most people coming home on average 5lb’s heavier!
Larger portions, free refills, lounging around and holiday cocktails are all to blame!
And researchers have put together the top ten destinations for gaining a holiday belly:
10: Just making it inside the top ten, a vacation spent in Africa will see you gain 6lb.
9: Turkey's not far ahead with a increase of 6.3lb
8: Spain comes in at number 8, with a rise of 6.6lb
7: Next door neighbour Portugal comes next with 6.7lb
6: Britain will see the scales go up by 6.8lb
5: Greece is just infront of the Brits with a change of 6.9lb on the scales
4: Must be all that lovely pizza and Gellato, it's Italy with a weight gain of 7lb
3: The French Cuisine will add 7.3lb to your belly
2: A trip to the Caribean will see the scales jump 7.4lb
1: If you're lucky enough to be heading off on a trip to the United States, expect to come back 8lb heavier! We won't judge, just remember to bring us home some Dunkin Donuts!
Tune into The Ray Foley Show every weekday morning from 6am only on 98FM!