
06:49 11 Mar 2015

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You find someone you can tolerate, even like and things are going swimmingly. You can sit and watch Parks & Recreation for hours together, they get that you want to have chips dipped in ice-cream for dinner and that sometimes you just can't be bothered shaving but then, somehow, a conversation about your past comes up and it involves ex's.

Why this happens, no one knows, but even Joseph asked Mary the question, 'dude... come on, really, what's your number?' (Maybe it was a bit classier in Aramaic)

Elite Daily got a bunch of couples, put them in front of a camera and asked them if they knew how many the other had slept with. It all got a bit awkward.

I bet they all had the craic when they left the studio after that.

TWITTER: @MuireannOConnel


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