What to Watch Tonight Tuesday...

Leanne Hanafin on 98FM

What to Watch Tonight Tuesday 23rd


05:04 23 Jun 2015

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The Secret Life of Your House - UTV Ireland, 9pm

We were definitely a lot braver as children. Back then you wouldn't think twice about digging up worms in the back garden  - hopefully you weren't a sociopath who liked to chop them up - or if there was a mouse in the house you could handle it like Pharrell Williams handles a ridiculous hat, cool as ice. Now though, do you think you'd be the same? This show sees entomologist George McGavin DELIBERATELY infest a house with things we would consider pests so he can study them. Think bedbugs, spiders, mice and cockroaches. All fine to watch but maybe don't invite him around for tea.

Ryan: A Legacy - RTE1, 9.35pm

Last week's episode looked at Brian Lenihan; this week is a portrait of Tony Ryan, a man who started out as Aer Lingus staff and ended up as a billionaire with his co-founding of Ryanair; and lets be honest, giving out about Ryanair has become a national pastime, second only to giving out about the weather. Sure to be an insightful look into the man who was known to have a bit of a problem with his successor, Michael O'Leary.

The Walking Dead - RTE2, 10.50pm

Look at Maggie there, being a badass. Some woman. Tonight's episode focuses on Abraham and how he became involved in his almost holy pilgrimage to get Eugene to Washington DC. Expect a rising from the depths of despair story akin to Robin Thicke when he realised he was free to feel up any 20 year old who'd let him after Paula Patton got her divorce.

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