
03:09 27 May 2015

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Vogue Does Straight A's: Reality Bites - RTE 2, 9pm

Sweet lord, even that image is giving me palpitations; 57,000 people in this country will be sitting down in a sports hall having a knipshion next Wednesday. I can already hear the 'Léigh anois go cúramach, ar do scrúdpháipéar, na treoracha agus na ceisteanna a ghabhann le Cuid A. BBBBBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPP' Tonight Vogue Williams, who went in search of the after life last year, is tonight searching for 600 points. Fair play I say. I wouldn't do it.

Parked - RTE 1, 9.35pm

This touching Irish movie stars Lieutenant Miles O'Brien from Star Trek: The Next Generation and Merlin from, well, Merlin so fantasy fans it's happy clappy time. Unfortunately, this bears no resemblance to either of those shows. It tells the story of Fred who lives in his car. He has no hope for the future until a battered car pulls up next to his and he finds a new neighbour in Cathal, a happy out drug addict with crap taste in music. The two forge a future together. It's very touching.


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