
07:25 22 Apr 2015

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Migrant death toll to reach 300,000 by the end of 2015

Credit Union 'savers rescue fund' was put at risk by the way it was run.

Former minister Mary Hanifin isn’t happy after it was revealed she said ‘Finanna Fail stands for nothing’.

A NEW Dublin housing development, called Peadar Kearney house, opened yesterday and will be home to  56 families in Dublin 1.

AIB moves to reposes over 5000 houses

It could be your last chance if you are one of the 255,000 people who haven’t paid their TV license. Minister for Communications Alex White TD has said they will find your details by using information from UPC & Sky.

Helen Mirren’s legs make the front pages, Kate Winslet is happy to be 40, Nadine Coyle wants to bring her baby girl home to Ireland to go to school,


Ed Sheeran is involved in an alleged gay slur video.

All this and more in Wednesdays papers. 


Also - Dublin City Council has issued a letter calling for the mural of two men hugging in the city centre to be removed. More here

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