You know when you hear an accent and all you can do is copy that accent regardless of how much you try not to or how bad you are at it? Well, this morning on The Ray Foley Show, we took a trip to the deep south of America when we heard this gem of a video. You try not to do it after you watch.
This is a video uploaded to Facebook by Jamie Higdon Randolph about what legging are and are not. Quite the philosophical conundrum. It's caught the imagination of the internet having been viewed over 13 million times in 3 days.
The reason it's so popular has to do with Jamie's amazing turn of phrase such as: "Leggins ain't pants! Some people like to wear them as britches"... it's just so bloomin' quotable. It's also popular because the question over the suitability of leggings in public is in fact a silent war that has been raging since the 1980s.
How is this silent war operating? It's conducted in nods, knowing looks, nudges and glances at women's camel toes or lack there of, please god, as we go about our business on the street. It's like the silent judgement people have of parents with screaming children in the supermarket. No one says anything but it's there. Always there.
Now, we're not talking about your gym type leggings. No, they're for your running, your sweating, your 'i have an amazing arse and before it heads toward my knees, I'm showing this bad boy off.' All perfectly acceptable. No, these are the leggings that you get in Penney's, Dunnes, H&M, Topshop or Zara; the leggings that think they're pants. But they're not. I'll leave Jamie to explain.
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Leggings ain't pants.....#leggingsaintpants#psa #publicserviceannouncement #jamiespsa
Posted by Jamie Higdon Randolph on Thursday, 15 October 2015
Now, go forth and spread the good word. In Jamie's Tennessee accent only.
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