Should gay men be allowed to give blood any time?
The question comes after an interesting story on Thursday morning’s Dublin Talks.
It was all about a Facebook post by a guy called Robbie.
It read.
“I went to give blood tonight because of the major shortage only to be told I can't give blood because I'm gay!!!! ARE THEY FOR REAL???? Fine you won't get my blood but yous can f**k off if yous think I'll be keeping my donor card yous can think again!! If my blood is not good enough neither are my organs. I’m absolutely fuming.”
Robbie joined Adrian on the phone, and we also spoke to Dr Ellen McSweeney, from Irish Blood Transfusion Service.
She explained why gay men must wait 12 months after having sex with another man before giving blood. The lifetime ban on gay men donating blood was lifted in January last year.
LISTEN to the full podcast by clicking play below.
Dublin Talks is back on Friday morning from 10am.