It's a traumatic time, that rosy glow you had is fading, fading like a Rose of Tralee after a night spent in the red room. But you don't want to believe it and you are going through the five stages of tanial.*
1.) Aloe Vera will turn you from red to brown and make everything ok, right? It's the Ronseal of tans. DON'T LET IT PEEEELLLLL.....
2.) You stop rubbing yourself dry after your shower. You can see your tan RUB OFF before your very eyes so you stand around drip drying like ware on a draining board.
3.) White, always wear white... look, look.... I am so TAN. *
*completely accurate representation of how you will look wearing white.
4.) Shaving. Every time you put a razor to your legs, you can see your tan being scraped off like manky wallpaper in a derelict house. NOOOOOO!
source: funnyasaduck
5.) Dove. It's not fake tan, it's moisturiser. Nope, not cheating.
*Tanial: noun.
The refusal to recognise that your tan is fading.
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