
06:50 29 Apr 2015

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Toderick Hall is not a name that we would really know here, unless you're addicted to 3e's coverage of American Idol, as he was once a contestant on that, ahem, talent show. He has amassed over 1.3 million subscribers to his YouTube channel and, inevitably, has a 'reality show' on the way to the good people of the USA.

Today, he has done something pretty special. He has sung all of the songs on Beyoncé's 5 albums in just 4 minutes; that's over 70 songs. I know, you hear 'mash-up' and you just think gimmick, gimmick, another flamin' mash-up gimmick but this is impressive.

Apparently there is a reason that there are 4 of him in the video and it's not that he's a complete narcissist. The description of the video says:

 “it took four single takes and memorizing four different sets of lyrics and choreography. Also it is exactly four minutes in length because of Beyonce’s connection to the number four.”

Beyoncé has a connection to the number 4? Yeah I didn't know either but you can read about it here, if you're that way inclined. Conspiracy theorists, have a field day with the Illuminati connection on this one.

The songs aren't sung in chronological order but are categorised in a more genre based way... also, chord progression makes it handier... she doesn't use many. Kanye didn't mention that when he was giving out about Beck, did he.

Some of my favourite moments from the video:

Check out the eyebrow game. Put the tweezers down Tod, like a good boy.

Also, it looks like he's dancing between Mace Windu's lightsaber


He'd want to be careful.

Toderick would have been AMAZING at 'Play The Game.' Twink would have hated him for his charades prowess.

It gets just a little uncomfortable when 3 of the Toderick's give one of the Toderick's a serious look of love.


In all fairness, this is bleedin' rapid. Well played Toderick, well played.


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