Cat haters, you are losing the...

Leanne Hanafin on 98FM

Cat haters, you are losing the war.


09:15 14 May 2014

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People who like cats.. you know who you are; kind hearted, tolerant with a side of stylish and the humour of Eddie Izzard. Then there are the others of this world, the cat haters. The ones who reply when asked why they don't like cats, 'I just don't, they're evil. And selfish.' Great arguing there, Tonto.

Well now I have something for you.

The dog was the neighbour's and thought that it would like a try of 10 year old boy for lunch but BAM, domestic house cat to the rescue.

Domestic house cat we salute you and your hero ways.

By the way, the dog came back to try and take a bite out of the mother Erica Triantafilo. The boy had to get 10 stiches.


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