
02:13 12 Aug 2015

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Today is Leaving Cert results day; a day when, if you are getting them, there is no need to have the morning shower because your mother will pour numerous bottles of holy water over you; a day when all you want to do is get to the night; a day when you will hear over and over again that Leaving Cert results aren't the be all and end all - even though you've heard the complete opposite for the previous 6 years. 

Today The Ray Foley Show brings you the Top 10 things that will definitely happen on Leaving Cert Day. 



1. There’ll be kids on the news who got 9A1s and you’ll be secretly disappointed when they don’t look like complete freaks
2. You'll play results points chicken with your best mate because you won't want to reveal what you got before they say what they got because you’re secretly crazy competitive
3. Groups of girls will be bawling uncontrollably and you won’t know if it’s because they’re happy or disappointed with their results
4. The sound teachers will show up because they’re the ones who actually care how you got on
5. The person who said they had a nightmare after every exam will announce the exams went better than expected and they got 595 pts
6. RTE will send the camera crews out to the schools nearest to Montrose so you’ll get a load of posh D4 kids on the TV talking about how they’re going to celebrate their results in St Tropez
7. Somebody will tell you it doesn’t matter how many points you get because your uncle Timmy left school at 12 and sure he’s a millionaire now
8. It’ll take you at least half an hour to work out how many points you actually got because you can’t remember how much a C3 and a B2 are worth
9. You will manage expectations by reminding your mother about the cousin who can't spell fork and once got caught robbing 27 tubes of fruit pastilles from the shop. So regardless of your results, at least you’re not a criminal 
10. You'll feel weird because you're on school grounds in your normal clothes and not your uniform…so already the day’s off to a dodgy start
Listen in to Ray, JP & Muireann every weekday morning on The Ray Foley Show only on 98FM!

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