The Real Life Inspiration Behi...


The Real Life Inspiration Behind Michelle From Derry Girls Reveals What Stories From The Show Actually Happened


01:10 14 Jul 2023

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An immersive Derry Girls experience has opened up in Derry.

On 98FM's Big Breakfast were delighted to have Shauna Bray on the show to talk about the new exhibition - seeing as she's a childhood friend of Lisa McGee and the real life inspiration behind one of the main characters!

Brendan asks Shauna to reveal what character she was the inspiration for and Shauna replies, "Well I think if you spend about 5 or 10 minutes with me you might realise who I am".

She's only the real life inspiration for the iconic Michelle!

She spoke to Rebecca and Brendan about which stories from the show actually happened in real life and what it was like seeing her childhood antics go global.

Listen to the full chat below 👇

Tune into 98FM’s Big Breakfast with Rebecca & Brendan weekday mornings from 7am ⏰

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