Taylor Swift Makes Donation To...


Taylor Swift Makes Donation To Dublin Based Food Bank

Laura Donnelly
Laura Donnelly

11:26 18 Jul 2024

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Crosscare food poverty services is the charity chosen by Taylor Swift to receive a donation following her concerts in the Aviva Stadium.

The singer donates to charities and food banks in every city she performs in, and the donation is usually an estimated €25,000.

Crosscare has released a statement to say Taylor’s donation will enhance it's ability to assist even more families in need in the coming months.

The charity says thanks to this donation and others, it may be able to expand its services if needed.


In a statement, Crosscare says: "We are delighted to confirm that Taylor Swift has donated to Crosscare food poverty services following her incredible concerts in Dublin.

"We work with hundreds of families with children who struggle to provide good food every week.
"We provide them with essential food supplies, help them get back on their feet, and help them find a way to support themselves independently in the long term.
"Taylor’s donation will enhance our ability to assist even more families in need in the coming months.

"Crosscare's approach to providing food assistance is unique. We operate from discreet locations around Dublin, offering food hampers to those in need while working with them to regain financial independence and the ability to shop and provide for themselves. This casework service gives our clients a hand-up in life, not just a handout.
"Last year, we supported almost 800 families, including over 1500 children. We distributed over 2,000 food hampers. Demand for our service continues to increase, and with donations from Taylor Swift and our existing supporters, we will be able to solidify this service and expand, if needed, to reach those most in need.
"In addition to providing food supplies and support to people in this challenging position, we also offer low-cost nutritious meals every week in our Portland Row café in Dublin. In 2023, the café served over 6,000 meals between breakfasts, lunches, and takeaways.
"Café staff work with those who come to us in need of support and ensure they get the help they need."

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