Surge In Rubbish Collected At...


Surge In Rubbish Collected At Phoenix Park During Lockdown

Emma Tyrrell
Emma Tyrrell

07:38 7 Sep 2020

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The amount of rubbish being collected at the Phoenix Park in Dublin has increased by more than 50 per cent.

65 tonnes of litter was collected between April 1st and the end of July, according to the Irish Times.

That's an extra 22 tonnes on the same time last year, with the increase being put down to a spike in people picnicking in the park during lockdown.

Extra staff were drafted in to help with the clean-up, with concerns overflowing bins could lead to the park's deer population ingesting plastic, with potentially fatal consequences.

Dublin's "green lung" saw a large increase in people using the park as strict travel restrictions were introduced earlier this year.

Sandwiches, coffee cups, cans and bottles made up the bulk of the rubbish.

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