Upset Over Stoneybatter Studen...


Upset Over Stoneybatter Student Accommodation Plan

Brendan O'Loughlin
Brendan O'Loughlin

01:42 8 May 2019

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A plan for new student accommodation in Stoneybatter is being met with frustration.

Locals claim, if it gets the go-ahead, the area will become home to more students than permanent residents.

The proposed five story development on Manor Street was previously designated for 40 standard residential apartments.

However, developers have changed their mind and now want to house 140 students there instead.

The idea would be that it would cater for DIT students studying in nearby Grangegorman.

Stoneybatter Student Accommodation

It's claimed that the development would result in more than 5000 students living within 500 metres of the campus.

That is twice the number of permanent residents, according to one local Councillor.

Ray McAdam said some residents fear they are going to be "over-run with student accommodation".

His fear is that Stoneybatter won't be "a sustainable community".

Councillor McAdam wants more family homes for the area.

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