It's emerged that some primary school teachers are tutoring students in their homes during level 5 restrictions.
The INTO has warned it's members that it expects them to abide by public health restrictions at all times.
Our research has uncovered that some primary school teachers have placed ads on an online forum saying they're available for one-on-one tuition.
While many specify they are available on zoom only, some make it clear they are "willing to travel" to a student's home for the lessons.
Home Visits
Out of just five teachers contacted this morning, two agreed to go provide in-home tuition.
One teacher said in doing so, they wear a mask and ask the pupils to do the same.
While another was willing to travel beyond their 5km limit to tutor.
We're also aware of a third teacher who spent two hours in a family home yesterday to tutor children while the schools are closed.
The Irish National Teachers Organisation is advising members that they should not take any other form of paid work during the ongoing school closure as they are still paid employees and are therefore required to provide appropriate support to their own pupils.
It added that it expects all members to abide by level 5 restrictions at all times.
Reporting by Kacey O'Riordan