City councillors are worried there's no back up plan if a waste company pulls out of the north inner city.
It's feared any withdrawal could drive up prices, at a time when new charges are coming in.
City councillors have concerns that a company like Greyhound could pull out of collecting in parts of the inner city.
It's because short roads and narrow streets in areas like East Wall and Phibsboro make the job of collecting bins more expensive and less lucrative for waste firms.
Maria Doughlas of the city council's waste management services was asked whether there's a back up plan, if a company pulls out of an area "We can't predict what's going to happen, the market will determine. If one company stops collecting one, day I'm sure another company will be knocking on the door the next day".
Councillor Eilis Ryan of the Workers Party worries about leaving it to the market to address any future issues "That's just not relevant to the North Inner City, there is no competition. Fees are continuing to increase. There is no competitor coming into the market".
It comes as Greenstar confirms it's being taken over by rival firm Panda Waste. Both companies insist the transition will be smooth for staff and customers.