New Dole Scheme Slammed


New Dole Scheme Slammed


12:58 21 Feb 2014

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The Irish National Organisation for the Unemployed has slammed the pay rate of the government's new dole scheme.

Over 800 people on the dole in Dublin are starting work in the city's four local authorities.

This initiative called Gateways is similar to Job Bridge and is part of a nationwide scheme to get the long-term unemployed back to work.

According to the Irish Times people will work nearly 20 hours a week for just under two years, and will get an extra 20 euro top up on their weekly dole payment.

Dublin City Council is taking on 295 workers, South Dublin and Fingal have 215 each while 110 jobseekers will take up work in Dun Laoghaire Rathdown.

The indoor and outdoor jobs involve working in parks, roads and environmental services as well as IT support.

People selected by the Department of Social Protection must take up the work or risk having their dole cut or stopped altogether.

However the INOU has criticised the pay rate of just 20 euro on top of the dole.

But it says younger jobseekers could potentially be better off on the scheme.

Spokesperson John Stewart explains:

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