Merchant's Quay Reports Increa...


Merchant's Quay Reports Increase In People Seeking Mental Health Support

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11,600 people dealing with addiction or homelessness were helped by Merchant's Quay Ireland last year.

The charities annual report shows it helped 433 people with mental health issues - an 11% increase on 2018.

It also provided emergency shelter and healthcare services like GP visits, dentists and counsellors to more almost 3,700 people.

Other key figures include:

  • MQI’s Riverbank Centre provided 109,010 meals to people who are homeless -an increase of 6% on 2018 figures.
  • The Night Café staff rolled out sleeping mats 16,652 times, providing emergency shelter for 1,677 people with nowhere else to turn.
  • 564 people aged between 18 – 25 were supported by MQI’s staff, with over 100 individuals supported by the Young Person’s Support Worker to move on from crisis to a positive pathway in life.
  • 1,985 people attended MQI for over 9,000 primary health care appointments (GP, Nurse, Chiropodist, dentist, counsellor).
  • 3,140 people attended the Health Promotion Unit in 2019, where they learned how to minimise the risks of drug use and were provided with the option of a pathway into treatment. This was an increase of 14.5% on 2018.
  • 2,371 prisoners accessed the National Prison-Based Addiction Counselling Service. A 10% increase on 2018.

MQI Chief Executive Paula Byrne said;

“During this pandemic, life is especially difficult for people who are homeless, who must endure greater isolation than ever before as day services across the city are restricted due to the impact of COVID-19."

"Many of our clients are outside all day, in all weather, with nowhere to go indoors for a warm meal, a shower, or a comforting conversation."

"There is no doubt that this social isolation and increased hardship is having a negative impact on our clients’ mental health."

"This is further compounded by how challenging it is to deliver mental health services safely during this crisis. There is a very real risk that some people will fall through the cracks this winter."

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