Marty Guilfoyle 'Shocked' At O...


Marty Guilfoyle 'Shocked' At Online Abuse Over 'TikTok House'


11:33 6 Sep 2020

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DJ Marty Guilfoyle has described the torrent of online abuse which prompted him to leave Dublin's first 'TikTok house'.

The music producer and radio presenter was one of ten Irish social media personalities taking part in the content hub project called The Goat House.

However, in a statement on Friday, he said he would no longer be involved after some Twitter users accused him of being "weird" or "predatory" as he is older than others in the house.

Speaking on Newstalk Breakfast today, Marty said he was "good" after the last few days but had "a bit of a teary moment" yesterday.

He said when he entered the house, he had no idea who else would be there but said it is "nothing like" Big Brother or Love Island.

On the first night in the house, Marty said comments started "trickling in" on social media about him.

He said: "There are four teenage girls in there, one is 18 and three are 19, the rest of the people are in their 20s, in fact, 29 and 30.

"Someone decided to put up a tweet saying 'there's something very predatory about Marty Guilfoyle being in there while there's teenage girls in there' with no other mention of anyone else in the house.

"I was shocked, I couldn't believe it because to me that was just me coming into work."

Marty said he felt sorry for his Mum because she saw how similar incidents have affected media personalities in the past.

He told her he was fine but then things started escalating online with people "jumping on the bandwagon" of comments about him being with young girls.

Marty said: "I'm not disappointed that it caused me to leave the house, I'm disappointed that it actually happens.

"The main thing that really annoyed and disappointed me was that these people were preaching 'be kind'.

He said some Twitter users are still trying to justify why they feel he is predatory.

He added: "I actually felt sorry for one user because they said they're 20 and they have had issues with a guy in his late 20s in the past.

"I'm really sorry that they had to go through that but please don't tarnish all men in their late 20s and 30s with the same brush because you've had a bad experience."

Main image: Marty Guilfoyle. Credit: @martyguilfoyle / Instagram

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