Man Who Punched Woman In Unpro...


Man Who Punched Woman In Unprovoked Attack Jailed

Laura Donnelly
Laura Donnelly

05:44 25 Jun 2024

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A 23-year-old man who punched a woman twice in the face in an unprovoked attack in a Dublin hospital has been jailed for three-and-a-half years.

Ronnie Wilde, of Clanbrassil Terrace, Dublin 8, also admitted assaulting a delivery driver the following day for no reason.

On the 1st of September last year, Ronnie Wilde threatened a shop worker with a knife during the robbery of a grocery shop in Dublin 8.

While in the Emergency Department at St James’ Hospital later that month, he caused extensive facial injuries to a woman who had asked him to be quiet.

He punched her twice in the face, knocking her to the ground.

A food delivery driver ended up in hospital the very next day after Wilde responded to a knock on his door by punching him repeatedly in the face.

The court Wilde was on drugs and suffering from paranoia at the time.

The judge described the attacks as savage and unprovoked before jailing him for 3.5 years.

Reporting by Frank Greaney

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