Man Charged With Possessing Mo...


Man Charged With Possessing More Than €1.6m In Proceeds Of Crime

Laura Donnelly
Laura Donnelly

04:31 21 Feb 2023

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A Dublin man has been remanded in custody after he was charged today, with possessing more than €1.6 million euro in crime proceeds two years ago.

Karl Duggan, 37, of Finn Eber Fort, Finglas, was arrested following an investigation by the Garda National Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau.

He was arrested and taken to Coolock Garda station on Monday night.

Gardai charged him two hours later with 15 offences under the Misuse of Drugs Act and the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Act 2010.

He is accused of having alleged crime proceeds amounting to just over €1.6m at his address on January 17, 2021, as well as having drugs, including cannabis, cocaine and alprazolam, and possessing drugs with intent to supply.

He was held overnight and brought to appear before Judge Maire Conneely at Dublin District Court today.

Detective Garda Liam Mangan told the court that Mr Duggan “made no reply” to the charges and was handed true copies of them.

The GNDOCB detective confirmed he intended to object to bail.

However, defence solicitor Danny Nolan told Judge Conneely that his client wanted to defer his bail application and asked to be remanded in custody for one week.

A legal aid application was opened.

However, Detective Garda Mangan objected and asked the defendant to provide a statement of his means.

Judge Conneely remanded the accused in custody to appear at Cloverhill District Court on February 28.

The defence solicitor said his client had a statement of his means, but due to the garda objection, “maybe there will have to be a more precise statement of means”.

The accused, yet to indicate a plea, sat silently throughout the proceedings and was not required to address the court. His request for legal aid will be decided later.

Reporting by Tom Tuite

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