Man Charged With Elaine O'...


Man Charged With Elaine O'Hara Murder


12:19 18 Oct 2013

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A 41-year-old man has been charged with the murder of Elaine O’Hara. 

Graham Dwyer from Foxrock was arrested yesterday just a month after the care worker’s remains were found in the Dublin Mountains.  Dressed all in black, Graham Dwyer entered the courtroom at Dun Laoughaire DC in handcuffs.  Looking visibly tired after waiving his right to a rest in order to allow questioning to continue through the night at Blackrock GS, he was flanked by two detectives before taking the stand after his name was called.

The court heard how he was arrested at his home in Foxrock yesterday morning and rearrested after his period of detention ran out this morning.  Shortly afterwards, he was charged with the murder of Elaine O’Hara in the county of Dublin on the 22nd of August 2012.  

The remains of the 36-year-old Killiney native were found in the Dublin Mountains last month.  She’d been missing from her home in Stepaside for over a year.

When the charge was put to Mr. Dwyer this morning, he was asked if he had any reply. He said: "“ do. Not guilty".

The accused has been remanded in custody to appear before Cloverhill DC next week.

*pic shows reporters awaiting Graham Dwyer's departure from Dun Laoghaire DC

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