Low Vaccination Rates Among Pr...


Low Vaccination Rates Among Pregnant Women Partial Reason For Restrictions At Dublin Hospital


09:54 11 Aug 2021

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A Dublin Maternity hospital says a low vaccine uptake among pregnant women is partly the reason for maintaining restrictions around partner visits.

In a recent survey of inpatients, the Rotunda found that 60 percent of patients and their partners are not fully vaccinated.

In a statement, the hospital says it's tried to minimise the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on  patients’ birth and pregnancy experience, however there are some maternity-specific and Rotunda-specific issues which have resulted in needing to maintain some restrictions.

It also highlighted that the building is 275 years old and say maintaining a 1 metre physical distance in many of our inpatient and outpatient areas is impossible.

The head of the Rotunda Maternity Hospital Professor Fergal Malone says all restrictions would be eased if more patients and visitors got the Covid-19 vaccine.

"I would strongly encourage all pregnant women and their partners to get vaccinated. Because as soon as we have our patient vaccination numbers up at a high level like the general population, we will of course lift any and all restrictions that we can safely do."

Sue Murphy who is thirty weeks pregnant is attending the Rotunda. She says the restrictions are unfair.

"There is nobody there to advocate on your behalf when you're out of it after an operation, when you're delirious after giving birth and you have to have somebody to look after you. Also, my husband is the father of our child and he's being left out of the building, sitting in a car outside like numerous other husbands and partners. That is completely unfair."


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