Latest Tent Clearance Underway...


Latest Tent Clearance Underway At Grand Canal

Emma Tyrrell
Emma Tyrrell

11:17 21 May 2024

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Another tent clearance is under way along the Grand Canal in Dublin.

The multi-agency operation to remove the tents between McCartney Bridge and Leeson Street Bridge got underway at around 9am today.

It's the third coordinated clearance after tents were previously removed from another area of the canal and from around the International Protection office on Mount Street in the past few weeks.

Over 110 tents have been pitched along the waterway by asylum seekers without state accommodation.

It's expected the stretch of the canal will now be barricaded off by metal fencing to stop more tents being pitched there.

Image: Leah Farrell/©

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Asylum Seekers Grand Canal International Protection Tents

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