Ireland Recognises Palestine A...


Ireland Recognises Palestine As An Independent State

Emma Tyrrell
Emma Tyrrell

08:46 22 May 2024

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It's been confirmed Ireland will formally recognise Palestine as an independent state.

Taoiseach Simon Harris made the announcement this morning, while Israel's recalled its ambassador from Dublin in protest.

The formal recognition will take effect from next Tuesday, May 28th. Norway and Spain have also announced they are recognising the state of Palestine.

Taoiseach Simon Harris says it's an historic day for Ireland and Palestine; "From our own history we know what it means, recognition is an act of powerful, political and symbolic value."

Simon Harris says a two-state solution is the only credible path to peace for Israel, Palestine and their people.

But Israel says the move will "only strengthen Hamas". It's recalled ambassadors not only from Ireland but also Norway.

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Ireland Isreal Norway Palestine Spain Taoiseach

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