Homeless Figures Reach Another...


Homeless Figures Reach Another Record High

Laura Donnelly
Laura Donnelly

03:13 30 Aug 2024

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The number of people accessing emergency accommodation has increased to another record high of 14,429.

In Dublin there are 10,487 people homeless including 3,289 children

There's been a 12% increase in homelessness in the past year.

Catherine Kenny, CEO of Dublin Simon, criticised the government’s lack of progress and action regarding the ongoing homeless crisis: "As the days grow shorter and colder, the urgency of addressing the homeless crisis becomes even more pressing. Budget 2025 is just over a month away. Coupled with a looming general election and no guarantee that homeless figures will decrease before then, there is an urgent need for comprehensive, coordinated action to address the root causes of homelessness and alleviate the strain on emergency accommodation resources.

"What is required is additional funding to emergency service provision to ensure the men women and children in emergency accommodation supported by charities are given the necessary support. We have a crisis within these published numbers where the necessary resources are not in place to address the needs of those stuck in emergency.

"Separate and critically needed is an exponential increase in the development of new social housing. This must be at the forefront of any Budget discussions, particularly given the recent Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) report showing that over 115,000 households at the end of 2023 were either on social housing waiting lists or in receipt of the Housing Assistance Payment. This equates to over 235,000 people in Ireland, as having an “ongoing need” for housing.

"As we move towards the colder winter months, Dublin Simon Community once again calls on the government and relevant agencies to prioritise immediate measures that will tangibly reduce homelessness and provide secure, sustainable housing options for all."

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