Grand Canal Fences To Remain U...


Grand Canal Fences To Remain Until October

Emma Tyrrell
Emma Tyrrell

07:40 26 Jun 2024

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Barriers along the Grand Canal in Dublin could remain in place until October.

The body responsible for the canal, Waterways Ireland, has said it is currently trying to redesign the area to prevent tents from being pitched. The organisation says it's looking at options such as landscaping and architectural redesign.

The metal fencing was installed more than six weeks ago following an operation to remove asylum seekers who were camping on the canal banks.

Shiful Islam is the manager of La Paniche barge restaurant. He says the barriers are damaging his business;

"It is a big damage for tourism because when tourists come in they're surprised like what's this fence doing down here. So we don't really have an answer for that but people are not really happy to see this thing."

Image: Leah Farrell / ©

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Asylum Seekers Barriers Grand Canal Metal Fences Tents

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