Dublin's transport plan for the next 20 years needs substantial changes.
The Dublin Commuter Coalition will tell politicians today that the timelines for delivering projects in the draft strategy are slow and vague.
The Draft Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area, which was published last year, needs to undergo major changes before its finalised and approved according to the voluntary organisation.
Chairman Feljin Jose will tell the Oireachtas Transport Committee that the group's biggest concerns are the slow and vague timelines provided for the twenty-year vision and the absence of firm plans for the Dart underground and converting the Luas green line to a metro.
"People in Dublin are increasingly frustrated with how long it takes to design, plan and build transport projects. We believe that the timelines for delivery of projects in the Draft Transport Strategy are far too slow."
He will tell the committee the strategy falls well short of what is needed for a radical shift from cars to sustainable transport.
The NTA and Dublin Bus will also appear before TDs and Senators to discuss the plan today.