Most litter fines handed out in Dublin are never paid.
In the last five years, Dublin City Council has issued a little over eight thousands litter fines.
However, less than half of them have been paid.
Figures also show the number of on-the-spot fines being handed out has fallen dramatically.
More than 2000 were issued in 2014. Last year that number dropped to around 900.
Councillor Daithí de Róiste, who Chairs the Joint Policing Committee, has called the figures "startling".
He said "The City Council needs to stamp out illegal dumping "otherwise the tag of Dirty Dublin rings true".
Mindy O'Brien from environmental charity VOICE believes part of the problem is that chasing litter-bug for fines ends up costing even more.
"Often times the Judge will say costs and fees should go to the poor box or a charity, so councils don't recoup", she said.
Earlier this week, it was announced that TV licence-style inspectors are to be given the power to visit homes across Dublin suspected of dumping illegally.