Dublin Fire Brigade To Recruit...


Dublin Fire Brigade To Recruit 90 New Firefighters This Year

Laura Donnelly
Laura Donnelly

05:42 11 Feb 2022

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90 new firefighters will be recruited at Dublin Fire Brigade this year.

The move follows an agreement between unions and management to end a long running staffing dispute.

There will be recruitment competitions for firefighters and emergency service controllers.

SIPTU Organiser Geoff Mc Evoy says the move will see greater number of firefighters on the frontline: "Union representatives began a process of engagement in intensive mediated talks with the management of DFB last month. These talks concluded last week with an agreement which has now been ratified by the SIPTU DFB Section Committee.

"The agreement provides for two new DFB recruit classes to take place in the first half of this year. A supplementary panel of potential recruits will be formed to ensure both classes run at full capacity. DFB management has also committed to immediately engaging with the Public Appointment Service to commence two new recruitment competitions, one for fire fighters and one for emergency service controllers. This will provide additional recruitment into the service and release more fire fighters for operational duty in the medium term.

"The agreement further commits unions and management to negotiations to determine the appropriate crewing levels necessary to meet the long-term operational needs of the service. These negotiations will consider, among other things, the development of new stations, the adoption of an appropriate intervention window and international comparators.

"What has been agreed, as well as the initial increased recruitment, is an ambitious agenda for further negotiations focused on identifying the long term operational needs for the service. Both sides will have to show continued commitment to ensure these talks produce the right outcome, which places the provision of a first class emergency service along with the safety of DFB crews and the public as paramount."

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