The Health Minister will meet top officials today to arrange for new measures to tackle Covid-19 in nursing homes.
There are now 17 clusters of the coronavirus in nursing homes across the state.
Yesterday, it was revealed 10 more people died of the illness in the Republic bringing the total to 46.
While there are now 2,615 confirmed cases after another 200 were reported.
506 of the people who have tested positive are healthcare workers.
Simon Harris says he's very worried about the prevalence of the illness among older people;
"I will be meeting with the nursing home sector and also very importantly the Chief Medical Officer is having a number of meetings in advance of the National Public Health Emergency team meeting on Tuesday and I expect you are going to a see a number of measures aimed at minding and protecting those that are in our nursing homes."
Meanwhile the Health Minister says nine more flights will bring personal protective equipment from China to Ireland before this Wednesday.
It's after a flight landed at Dublin Airport yesterday, carrying masks, gowns and goggles.