Business Warn ESB They Could S...


Business Warn ESB They Could Switch Provider


03:25 25 Nov 2013

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Shops, pubs and restaurants are threatening to move energy supplier if workers at ESB go on strike.

Staff at the company are threatening to walk off the job from the 16th of December in a row over pensions.

The head of the ESB Group of Unions Brendan Ogle says he will spend the next three weeks trying to make sure an all out strike does not happen.

Unions and management are due to meet for talks this week, but unions say the company has yet to commit to the meeting.

Brendan Ogle has denied workers are holding the country to ransom as the dispute over a pension deficit escalates.

Retail Excellence Ireland says should the planned industrial action go ahead they will withdraw all business in the New Year and move to a more market focused energy provider.

The business group ISME says it's "tragically ironic" that the action is due to begin the day after Ireland exits its bailout programme.

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