Bomb Threat At Taoiseach's Hom...


Bomb Threat At Taoiseach's Home

Emma Tyrrell
Emma Tyrrell

07:12 27 Jun 2024

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A bomb threat at the Taoiseach's home in Wicklow is being treated as a sinister hoax.

A phone call, using a code-word, was made to the Samaritan's helpline yesterday evening claiming a device had been planted at Simon Harris's house.

However nothing was found during a follow up search of the property.

Robin Schiller from the Irish Independent says the Taoiseach's family was at home at the time;

"The Taoiseach wasn't there at the time, he was in the Dáil on business. But his family, including his two young children, were there and I can only imagine it was a very frightening experience to have Gardaí show up and tell them there could potentially be a bomb in the home.

Image: Leah Farrell / ©

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Bomb Threat Simon Harris Taoiseach

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