98FM Celebrates Centenary Of 1...


98FM Celebrates Centenary Of 1st Irish Radio Broadcast


08:19 25 Apr 2016

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Stations across the country, including 98FM are celebrating a centenary of radio broadcasting in Ireland. The first radio transmission happened 100 years ago today. A message in Morse Code was sent from O'Connell Street to tell the world that the 1916 Rising had begun.

The message sent on Easter Tuesday read: ”Irish Republic declared in Dublin today. Irish troops have captured city and are in full possession. Enemy cannot move in city. The whole country rising.” The broadcast took place 190 metres from the GPO at what was then The Wireless School of Telegraphy at 10-11 Sackville Street (now O’Connell Street).  

Lisa Ní Choisdealbha, Executive Director, IBI, said: ”The inaugural broadcast was apparently heard by boats in the Atlantic, stations in Germany and even by Japanese fisherman. Heard within Ireland it was a credible way to connect the new Republic to the national and international community."

She added, "That sensibility continues to this day – radio gives us access to innumerable memories and experiences, making us feel connected to fellow Irish citizens on a daily basis and to an even broader international community.”

Eighty three percent of Irish adults listen to the radio daily with people listening for over 4 hours a day. The full story of the drama that unfolded around the build up to the first broadcast is at


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