Mamma Mia 3 Is In The Works


Mamma Mia 3 Is In The Works


12:54 11 May 2023

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Here we go again! (Again)

It looks like we could be heading back to a small island off the coast of Greece again! Mamma Mia 3 is reported to be in the early stages of development.

Judy Craymer, who worked as producer on the first two films, as well as the original stage show, already has a plot in mind for a third installment of the movie musical franchise.

And she reckons she could get Meryl back for it!

“There is a story there, and I do think Meryl should come back —— and if the script is right, she would, I think, because she really loved playing Donna." she said in an interview with Deadline.

Meryl Streep didn't reprise her roles as Donna in Mamma Mia 2: Here We Go Again (as she's not a fan of sequels it's believed!)

But you never know! One thing's for sure the cast of the movies absolutely loved filming them. Pierce Brosnan's only mad to film a third Mamma Mia 😂

In a recent interview with Kelly Clarkson, the Navan man said the original Mamma Mia film was a "game changer" for him.

"It was criminal how much fun we had because everybody brought their wives, their girlfriends, their boyfriends so it all became a family."

And his thoughts on a third film?

"We rehearsed for about five weeks, everyone got on extremely well together - maybe Mamma Mia 3 – we're talking about it."

We know he's all over it already!

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