Things You've Heard From Frien...


Things You've Heard From Friends Who've Lived In Australia


05:42 22 May 2017

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You have that one friend... you know the one we’re talking about, they moved to Australia for work or lived there while travelling and when they moved back home it’s all they ever spoke about.

We know living Down Under is great, that’s why we’ve teamed up with Foster's to celebrate the best things about Oz.

How many of these have you heard from your mates?

Farm Work

Seriously? Is it that bad... picking bananas, grapes sounds like a bit of fun!

Image result for farm gif

Tim Tams

Your mate brought some packs back, they get as excited about them as you do about the Late Late Toy Show. Aren’t they just penguin bars?

We do admit they taste great with tea.

It’s sunny at Christmas, how mad is that?

Don’t rub it in. We much prefer our Christmas jumpers!

Image result for christmas jumper gif

They can speak ‘Australian’

We’ll admit it these words do sound better in most cases. Recognise any of these...  “arvo” (afternoon),  tongs (flip flops), Maccas (McDonald’s), Rangers (redheads).

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That’s a Sunset!

We’ve seen sunsets on Bondi Beach, the Sydney Opera House & the Gold Coast. Stunning, but we’ll leave it there ok?

Image result for sunset australia gif

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