If you slay at taking a selfie, dine out on showing off your dinner or opt for no filter, this is the awards ceremony for you.
The Huawei Snapys wants to reward the Irish public for their everyday photography skills.
The awards, have received over 6,000 entries covering 20 different categories, will take place at City Hall on Wednesday October 28th.
Each winner will take home a trophy and free entry to an exclusive 'bootcamp' event, while the overall winner will walk away with a return trip to China, where they will get to visit Huawei HQ.
To enter, you need to upload your photo to Instagram and tag it with #huaweisnapys with the relevant category.
The categories are:
- Food
- Fashion
- Sport & Leisure
- Music & Entertainment
- Arts & Culture
- Career
- Health & Beauty
- Selfie
- Family
- Friends
- Humour
- Animals
- Ireland
- Global Photos
- Night Time Photos
- Instagram Video
- Charity
- Technology & Science
- No Filter
- Wild Card
The judges, all keen Instagrammers, will decide on the winner along with an online public vote from huaweisnapys.com