A Clonsilla vet clinic is looking to fill a job vacancy with a difference.
Just Cats is hiring for the role of Cat Cuddler to play and hug sick moggies coming through its doors for procedures and operations.
The only restriction is that applicants have to be recognised by the Vet Council of Ireland.
via Facebook
It means the role is perfect for students of veterinary medicine or nurses.
Head nurse Roisin Foran has told 98FM the cuddlers would act as support staff.
"The vets and the nurses are really busy with keeping the day to day things going. We need someone who can back us up and continue the care with the cats, so they're not feeling like 'oh I feel horrible, and I'm sitting here in a kennel, and a I don't know where I am and I don't know these people...'"
Only cat lovers are wanted. None of you 'I hate cats, dogs are so much better' need apply!
Find out if you've got what it takes here.