Charge your Smartphone in one...


Charge your Smartphone in one minute


09:51 7 Apr 2015

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Scientists have developed new battery technology which they believe could fully charge a smartphone in just one minute.

The Scientists, from Stanford University in California, claim to have invented a battery that is fast-charging, long-lasting and so far this genius idea is inexpensive.  They also hope this aluminium battery could replace most other batters that we’d normally find in laptops and current handsets.

Hongjie Dai, a professor of chemistry at Stanford said “We have developed a rechargeable aluminium battery that may replace existing storage devices, such as alkaline batteries, which are bad for the environment, and lithium-ion batteries, which occasionally burst into flames,"   "Our new battery won't catch fire, even if you drill through it."

So where can you buy one? 

You can’t ... The researchers said they see the tech as "a new battery in its early days."

Here's the Science bit.

Find out how to turn your Iphone into a Gameboy here

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