'Latte Levy' And Plastic Bag P...


'Latte Levy' And Plastic Bag Price Hike On The Way

Emma Tyrrell
Emma Tyrrell

05:46 6 Nov 2019

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The government's announced a number of new environmental taxes to start coming into effect from next year.

They include the so-called 'latte levy' on disposable cups and increases in the plastic bag charge.

The plastic bag levy will go from 22 to 25 cent and the medium weight bags will now fall under that tax.

It means the bags you usually pay 70 cent for in the shop will cost closer to a euro. Prices on bags for life won't change.

A so-called latte levy on disposable cups will come in priced at between 10 and 25 cent.

A new waste recovery levy of €5 a tonne is going to be applied to waste going to landfill, incineration or for export.

That's likely to be applied to waste companies, which could well be passed on to consumers in their bin bills.

The levy on landfills will also increase.

All the measures are going to public consultation until December 20th, with a view to bringing them in next year or in 2021.

It's part of wider measures aimed at reducing waste.

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