Duffy's Circus To Miss Planned...


Duffy's Circus To Miss Planned 2020 Shows

Jack Quann
Jack Quann

12:20 20 Jun 2020

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The family-run circus chain Duffy's Circus says it looks set to miss out on all its planned seasonal shows for this year.

The company was about to open a show in Galway when the first coronavirus restrictions were announced.

Head of the company David Duffy says they can't hold any shows at the moment.

"It was actually quite devastating for the circus industry as it is - I'm sure for all the arts sector, the events sector, the funfairs.

"I was getting confident: the fifth phase was taken away, which was the last phase, so we assumed that's where we were going to be."

"But then last night's announcement regarding 50 people from the end of the month and then 100 people from July 20th that just knocked the wind out of our sails.

"We have 50 of a company, so technically that means we can't actually show to anybody."

He added that re-opening seems 'unlikely' due to the fact that the circus is a seasonal event.

"Yesterday evening we had a meeting here amongst the family and it's looking like now that our season isn't going to go ahead for this year."

He also said his father, 91-year-old Tom Duffy, has recovered from COVID-19.

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Covid-19 David Duffy Duffy's Circus

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