Dublin's White Water Rafting C...


Dublin's White Water Rafting Course Plan Shelved


07:23 6 Dec 2021

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Plans for a white water rafting course in Dublin city appear to have been shelved.

In an update to councillors ahead of tonight's monthly meeting, DCC Chief Executive Owen Keegan says there has been significant hostility towards the project for the docklands and that it's been unable to convince state bodies to provide funding.

But he says a water based activity is still the most suitable use for George's Dock and that a new proposal will be provided next year. The Chief Executive says there is also a need for a Swift Water Training facility for emergency services.

Councillors approved plans for the redevelopment that included, a whitewater rafting course, a swift water rescue training facility and a kayaking/canoe polo/swimming pool, in December 2019.

However the plans were heavily criticised and there were calls for the money to be used to address the housing crisis instead.

Fine Gael Councillor Danny Byrne has welcomed the news;

"I thought that from the beginning that it was a ludicrous idea, costing tens of million of euros at a time of a housing emergency, at a time when the local swimming pool to that area, the Seán McDermott Street swimming pool, was closed down because of a few broken tiles and a lack of maintenance."

He estimates €2 million has been spent on the project to date and says that he will call on the Chief Executive of Dublin City Council to have a local consultation in terms of the best project for the site.

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