DCC Gets More Than 200 Calls A...


DCC Gets More Than 200 Calls About Bonfire Stockpiles

Emma Tyrrell
Emma Tyrrell

09:53 30 Oct 2019

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Dublin city council says it's had around 200 calls from the public about wood, pallets and tyres being stockpiled for bonfires so far this Halloween season.

It comes as a fire at a derelict building at Leonard's Corner during rush hour yesterday evening is believed to have been started after bonfire material nearby was set alight.

Simon Brock works for Waste Management at DCC; "Unfortunately its a location where we didn't receive any information about and that's why its important I suppose that we do get the co-operation of the public if they see anything, to let us know as quickly as possible"

He went on to say that the local authority has the ability to go into a premises to remove things safely and to dispose of them properly.

Last year Dublin City Council removed 600 tonnes of bonfire materials ahead of Halloween. "This prevented the risk of serious injury to youngsters and damage caused by bonfires to the environment, parks, green spaces and property in the city" according to Simon Brock.

Members of the public can report stockpiles by ringing Dublin City Council’s Customer Services Centre (01) 222 2222 or after hours at 1800 293949.

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