Volunteers with Childline answered 723 calls, texts and online messages
Children who contacted the helpline raised issues such as mental health difficulties, domestic violence, and isolation.
Family tensions and the aftermath of excessive alcohol use were also raised by children.
A free, non-judgemental and non-directive service, Childline is Ireland’s 24-hour active listening service for children and young people up to the age of 18.
The number is a slight decrease on last year when Childline answered 793 calls, online contacts and texts from children, and 2017 when it recorded 1,020 contacts.
The service answered 615 calls, texts and online contacts between midnight on Christmas Eve and midnight on Christmas Day, along with 108 contacts across all service options combined between midnight on the 25th and 6am this morning.
35 volunteers gave up their time on Christmas Day to ensure the service remained active.